Lebron James versus S.M.A.R.T.

Days are expensive.  When you spend a day you have one less day to spend.  So make sure spend each one wisely.”  Jim Rohn

This is a very wise and powerful quote.  It helps to bring clarity and importance of each day.  The most precious thing God has given us is time.  It is up to us to use it wisely.  Did you know there are 86,400 seconds in a day?  How will one achieve success if one squanders it one second at a time?  This is an individual answer.  Decide what is important.  Commit to what is important.  Success is a personal decision and commitment to be carried out each day.  Here are some ways to get the most out of each day.

I have found my mission in life.  My burning desire is to help and to serve others.  I add positive value by listening, coaching, assessing, motivating and designing successful implementation plans that are designed to improve performance in alignment with their personal dreams.

Here is a Free Performance Improvement Planning Questionnaire

List goals and post them where you and your family/team can see them daily.  Having goals are great and in order to achieve goals they also need to be  S.M.A.R.T.

Goals need to be Specific.  Having specific goals brings clarity and purpose to exactly what we want to get the most from each day.  If I were to ask,”What does success look like on an average day?”  Your answer to this question will help you achieve success.

Goals need to be Measurable. This gives quantifiable data to show the results of our actions.  Having a clear evaluation system of what is important acts as a scoreboard counting good effort and not so good effort.  This helps to keep us more accountable making each second of  the day more valuable.

Goals need to be Attainable.  First, me setting a goal of joining the NBA is not attainable. Second, me  dunking on LeBron James in my life is not attainable.  We do want goals to bring excitement and motivate us to do more and to achieve more, but they have to be attainable.  I’m 5’8 on a good day and don’t have the skill set to join the NBA or to dunk on LeBron James.  Having a goal that is not attainable can actually do more harm than good in our efforts to achieve our goals.

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-SensitiveGoals need to be Realistic.  But, what is realistic to one person is different from one person to another. I think, for my personal growth, goals should not be realistic.  Goals should be something that can create an excitement and make us reach way down deep inside to muster all the strength we have.  What makes goals realistic is having a plan of action to accomplish the goals.  A daily concrete plan makes each second and minute of the day more valuable.  The benefits of compounding over time is paramount in achieving realistic goals in our life time.

Goals need to be Time-Sensitive.  When will this goal be accomplished?  This question must be answered to properly find and give the resources to accomplish it. If getting out of debt is the goal. When will this take place?  First you would have to analyze current reality and position to design a plan of action to determine when it can be accomplished.  Do you want it to be aggressive or somewhat aggressive?  These questions will help determine the time of action and effort that is needed.

It doesn’t matter what your goal is as long as each day your steps take you closer in that direction to your desired goal.

Become a member of the LifePro Benefits Community and:

  • Learn how to remove fear, anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed in order to live a soul-directed, purpose-driven life where you actually get to have what you want and feel good helping others achieve their dreams.
  • Learn how to set boundaries and say no to others in order to get what you want and do it without feeling guilty or worrying that you’re hurting or letting others down?
  • Join the subscription list to find out how I may assist you.  I design easy to implement plans that you can use right away to achieve your dreams and goals.

List your unique abilities, talents, strengths interests and passions.  Then choose an overall purpose for your life.  For some people, it may take hours to think it through; for others it may take days or longer.  Once you’ve honestly assessed yourself, clarify your purpose by writing it down.  Then choose a vehicle with which you can serve people that is in alignment with your purpose.  Begin living your life with meaning today.

Do you have a mission statement for your life?  Did you know that having one will help you make better decisions?  It will help you say “yes” when you need to say yes, and “no” when you need to say no.

My personal mission is to  Add positive value by listening, coaching, assessing, motivating and designing successful implementation plans designed to improve performance in alignment with personal dreams and goals. 

All things are possible through Christ Jesus.

Decide, Commit, Succeed!

Leave a comment to this post answering “How will you make sure to make the most from each day?”  Realistic vs UN-Realistic in Goal Setting.  Answering this question you will receive a Free Skills Assessment.

About Byron Watson

I am President and Founder of LifePro Benefits Group, a Training a Development Firm specializing in serving the needs of the community through strategic partnerships that adds value by creating and delivering stimulating training and development seminars and classes in Health & Wellness and many other value add needs for the lives of others to include Business Development, Leadership Development, Personal Development and Patient Care service related courses.

Posted on May 27, 2012, in Awareness, Career Development, Education, Leadership, Personal Development and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Great post Byron, you are singing my song! I will pass you post along on my twitter feed. Enjoy your day.

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