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Practical Steps to Grow Faith

Watch clip to learn how to grow faith in small daily steps with Peace Seekers International.

Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Decide, Commit, Succeed!

Please comment and share any practical steps to grow faith.



Job Seekers: To Improve job search ask your self, “How can I stand out when there is an estimated six applicants per one open position?”

Decide, Commit, Succeed

Waiting for the acceptance callIn a recent article posted on, Beth Braccio Hering discusses, “Why employers are not calling me back?”

The article begins with the reality of the situation.  Pennell Locey, senior consultant for Keystone Associates, a career management consulting firm headquartered in Boston says, “Given the volume of applications an HR office receives, you should not expect a response beyond an automated ‘we received your application’ unless they are interested in interviewing you.”

View original post 596 more words

Effort: Get Focused! Part 2

[blog continuation]

  1. Peers
  2. Relationship/Marriage
  3. Life
  4. Flesh
  5. Family

What a blessing!  To carry out my God given mission adding positive value to the lives of others, I have to become more focused. Deciding to commit to our success, we have to become more focused in taking small daily steps which will lead to improvement in any area of your life.

Who doesn’t need to get better at focusing, prioritizing and preparing for the future?

To fully receive the benefit from a blessing, one must be able to be focused in effort, action, and faith.  We must get focused, take a look at each encounter as an opportunity to make ourselves better.

Decide, Commit, Succeed!

Here is what my personal research found about 1st & 2nd Samuel:

The leadership principle in 1Samuel speaks about how God is a sovereign and is always at work “behind the scenes.”  My Bible says, “First Samuel perhaps more than any other book in the Bible, teaches that to effectively lead people we must humbly follow God.”  The benefits of reading 1 Samuel is the tragedy of Saul and the rise of David.  This book teaches about the kind of person God wants to use.  It is an illustration about the difference between playing to people and following hard after God along with consequences of each action—playing to people or following hard after God.

The leadership principle from 2 Samuel speaks about how a leader’s spiritual and moral condition profoundly influences the attitudes and actions of their followers.  The benefit of reading 2 Samuel is that it shares the story of the life and character of David’s passion for God as a model for us.  David wasn’t Jesus—meaning he wasn’t perfect.  David strayed from the path sometimes and always returned to the Lord his God for redemption.

So, by me humbly asking for a blessing, to be a blessing, I now have a list of 28 Topics within the context of “Getting Focused,” along with Six Classes to support leadership development.  Here are the topics:

In order to be a blessing we must choose to be a blessing.  We must pray to have the eyes to see the opportunity and the courage to be open to allowing others to be a blessing and then put forth the effort in to receiving the blessing.

Deciding to commit to our success, we have to become more focused in taking small daily steps which will lead to improvement in any area of life.  How will this decision improve your life and the lives of others. Please Leave Comment.

Effort: Get Focused! Resource List

My personal research from 1st & 2nd Samuel

28 Topics within the context of “Getting Focused,” along with Six Classes to support leadership development

Communication Skills

Leader Qualifications


Obedience to God

Time Management



Stress Management

2 week study of Integrity


Double-Loop Learning

Courage/Risk Taking


1 week study of Obedience to God


1 week study of Stress Management

Team Building

1 week study of Healthy Alliances

Conflict Management

Decision Making


Dependence of God

Servant Leadership


1 week study of Accountability

Interpersonal Relationships


1 week study on Team Building


Effort: Get Focused!

Are you focused and prepared to receive success?  During a recent conversation with a coaching client we talked about taking a more focused effort in taking small and deliberate steps daily to accumulate success daily.  I recommended to my client to make a decision to commit to success.  I shared what has been a huge benefit for me.  I read the Book of Proverbs from the Bible daily as a habit that has been paramount in my daily success.  My New International Version Leadership Bible says, “Proverbs is an extremely practical and specific book that challenges us to pursue wisdom in each area of everyday life.  This is the book of the Bible you want to read when you want to get in line with God’s common-sense directives and divine will.”  The leadership principle is that God offers wisdom to those who seek it through diligent prayer and disciplined effort.

Attend Peace Seekers International’s Free “Healthy Eating on a Budget” 45 min Tele-Seminar

The first through seven verses of Proverbs speak about decision making and how it works.  Verse seven says, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.”  In our world today, we have so many distractions that it is really easy to not make the best decision that is aligned with our purpose.  Making the right decisions can be tricky.  We must always aim to make the best decision and have faith, it is the best decision for God’s desired outcome.

I also suggested reading Proverbs Chapter 31 which speaks about how self discipline works.  Chapter 31 verses ten through thirty-one demonstrates this through the “wife of noble character.”  The talking points support the wisdom of self-discipline and leadership.

Proverbs is an excellent book to read when seeking instruction to add value to personal lives and the lives of others.  The book of Proverbs is perfect because it has 31 chapters for daily reading and reflection.  You simply read one chapter a day and reflect and have a conversation with God about becoming better aligned with His purpose to reveal the will for our lives.   Adding this as a daily routine will definitely lead to becoming better than the day before and being prepared to receive success.

In an attempt to build confidence I asked my client for a blessing.  It is a privilege and an honor to let others be a blessing towards you.  After reading Proverbs Chapters 1 and 31, we discussed the need to become better focused.  My client also remembered his pastor telling him to read 1& 2 Samuel of the Bible about “Getting Focused.”  This is the blessing I received from the conversation.

Here are the five points I listed and am committed to better focusing on:

Get Focused!

  1. Peers
  2. Relationship/Marriage
  3. Life
  4. Flesh
  5. Family

What a blessing!  To carry out my God given mission adding positive value to the lives of others, I have to become more focused.  Deciding to commit to our success we have to become more focused in taking small daily steps which will lead to improvement in any area of your life.

Who doesn’t need to get better at focusing, prioritizing and preparing for the future?

Fill Out A Free Performance Improvement Planning Questionnaire

To fully receive the benefit from a blessing one must be able to be focused in effort, action, and faith to fully receive the benefits from a blessing.  We must get focused, take a look at each encounter as an opportunity to make ourselves better.

Decide, Commit, Succeed!

Please leave a comment.  How do you prepare for success?

Lebron James versus S.M.A.R.T.

Days are expensive.  When you spend a day you have one less day to spend.  So make sure spend each one wisely.”  Jim Rohn

This is a very wise and powerful quote.  It helps to bring clarity and importance of each day.  The most precious thing God has given us is time.  It is up to us to use it wisely.  Did you know there are 86,400 seconds in a day?  How will one achieve success if one squanders it one second at a time?  This is an individual answer.  Decide what is important.  Commit to what is important.  Success is a personal decision and commitment to be carried out each day.  Here are some ways to get the most out of each day.

I have found my mission in life.  My burning desire is to help and to serve others.  I add positive value by listening, coaching, assessing, motivating and designing successful implementation plans that are designed to improve performance in alignment with their personal dreams.

Here is a Free Performance Improvement Planning Questionnaire

List goals and post them where you and your family/team can see them daily.  Having goals are great and in order to achieve goals they also need to be  S.M.A.R.T.

Goals need to be Specific.  Having specific goals brings clarity and purpose to exactly what we want to get the most from each day.  If I were to ask,”What does success look like on an average day?”  Your answer to this question will help you achieve success.

Goals need to be Measurable. This gives quantifiable data to show the results of our actions.  Having a clear evaluation system of what is important acts as a scoreboard counting good effort and not so good effort.  This helps to keep us more accountable making each second of  the day more valuable.

Goals need to be Attainable.  First, me setting a goal of joining the NBA is not attainable. Second, me  dunking on LeBron James in my life is not attainable.  We do want goals to bring excitement and motivate us to do more and to achieve more, but they have to be attainable.  I’m 5’8 on a good day and don’t have the skill set to join the NBA or to dunk on LeBron James.  Having a goal that is not attainable can actually do more harm than good in our efforts to achieve our goals.

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-SensitiveGoals need to be Realistic.  But, what is realistic to one person is different from one person to another. I think, for my personal growth, goals should not be realistic.  Goals should be something that can create an excitement and make us reach way down deep inside to muster all the strength we have.  What makes goals realistic is having a plan of action to accomplish the goals.  A daily concrete plan makes each second and minute of the day more valuable.  The benefits of compounding over time is paramount in achieving realistic goals in our life time.

Goals need to be Time-Sensitive.  When will this goal be accomplished?  This question must be answered to properly find and give the resources to accomplish it. If getting out of debt is the goal. When will this take place?  First you would have to analyze current reality and position to design a plan of action to determine when it can be accomplished.  Do you want it to be aggressive or somewhat aggressive?  These questions will help determine the time of action and effort that is needed.

It doesn’t matter what your goal is as long as each day your steps take you closer in that direction to your desired goal.

Become a member of the LifePro Benefits Community and:

  • Learn how to remove fear, anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed in order to live a soul-directed, purpose-driven life where you actually get to have what you want and feel good helping others achieve their dreams.
  • Learn how to set boundaries and say no to others in order to get what you want and do it without feeling guilty or worrying that you’re hurting or letting others down?
  • Join the subscription list to find out how I may assist you.  I design easy to implement plans that you can use right away to achieve your dreams and goals.

List your unique abilities, talents, strengths interests and passions.  Then choose an overall purpose for your life.  For some people, it may take hours to think it through; for others it may take days or longer.  Once you’ve honestly assessed yourself, clarify your purpose by writing it down.  Then choose a vehicle with which you can serve people that is in alignment with your purpose.  Begin living your life with meaning today.

Do you have a mission statement for your life?  Did you know that having one will help you make better decisions?  It will help you say “yes” when you need to say yes, and “no” when you need to say no.

My personal mission is to  Add positive value by listening, coaching, assessing, motivating and designing successful implementation plans designed to improve performance in alignment with personal dreams and goals. 

All things are possible through Christ Jesus.

Decide, Commit, Succeed!

Leave a comment to this post answering “How will you make sure to make the most from each day?”  Realistic vs UN-Realistic in Goal Setting.  Answering this question you will receive a Free Skills Assessment.

Leadership Development: I Add Positive Value to the Lives of Others!

“You see in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know.  Knowing is not enough! You must take action.” Tony Robbins

Here is a five step process I use to add positive value to the lives of others.  This plan can be customized to fit specific needs.

  1. Analyze
  2. Design
  3. Develop
  4. Implement
  5. Evaluate

List your unique abilities, talents, strengths interests and passions.  Then choose an overall purpose for your life.  For some people, it may take hours to think it through; for others it may take days or longer.  Once you’ve honestly assessed yourself, clarify your purpose by writing it down.  Then choose a vehicle with which you can serve people that is in alignment with your purpose. Begin living your life with meaning today.

Here is an example of how my wife and family decided to implement the Five Step Plan.

So my wife and I started another business in our free time.  It’s called Agape Beverages.  I apologize that when I first started my Training & Development business I did not offer free coaching or to design a personal improvement plan as a free sample.  This would have been too expensive and time consuming.  However, Agape Beverages my new family business is COFFEE, and I will be glad to offer you some free samples just because I can!  My coffee is “100% USDA Certified Organic” and I am offering you the opportunity to receive a free sample of coffee just by commenting on this blog post telling me, “How do you drink coffee (black or with cream and sugar)? Or, do you drink tea (green or black)?  I even have mocha and hot chocolate.  I will send you the free sample based on your comment and I will send it to you by mail at no cost to you.  No strings attached.  I would only ask that you share the coffee with your loved ones too.  Hey, I am in the coffee business and I want to share my great tasting coffee and opportunity with everyone.  Thank you for your support!

W. Clement Stone says, “When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand.  It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it.”

I have found my mission in life.  My burning desire is to help and to serve others.  I add positive value by listening, coaching, assessing, motivating and designing successful implementation plans designed to improve performance in alignment with their personal dreams.

Success means doing the best we can with what we have.  Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph.  Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.” Zig Ziglar

Decide, Commit, Succeed!

Have you found your burning desire?  Please leave a comment below.

Mission & Vision: Together a Strategic Partnership to Improved Performance

Adding Positive ValueI am in a constant process of becoming. While I am at the feet of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I will lean on His understanding and not my own. I meditate often on how I may be able to be better prepared for the obstacles the crafty devil creates for me to get off track. I will continue to correct and keep moving forward. The Holy Spirit will keep me from being distracted.  My mission: Add Positive Value to the Lives of Others.

Take Personal Improvement Plan Questionnaire and Receive Free Gourmet Coffee

I have asked God to show me what is keeping me from accomplishing my God given mission in life. It is me, myself, and I.  It begins with the battle in my head and sharing my vision with the wrong people.

A personal vision should not be shared with everyone only after identifying the people that can benefit from mission.  A definition of vision is: something seen in a dream, trance, or ecstasy; especially: a supernatural appearance that conveys a revelation.  Sharing your vision with the wrong people is a waste of time.  The purpose of a vision statement is to communicate the purpose and values of organization.

We are to share our mission with others first and then the vision of the relationship.  Here is a definition of mission: a pre-established and often self-imposed objective or purpose.  After identifying the mission, then one is able to prepare and share their vision statement only with the right people.  This helps to set identify the goals of relationship to accomplish the mission.    Sharing your mission should be public knowledge because this helps accomplish the mission.  Share your vision with the right people.

Make sure your team is clear about your mission or they can unintentionally sabotage your efforts!  My personal mission since 2005 is to: Add Positive Value to the Lives of Others.

I have been shown that the devil uses the people closest to us sometimes to get us off track and waste our precious energy in the wrong places.  I rather add positive value to the lives of others than waste my energy with the wrong people.  I remember my grandmother saying, “Only fools argue.” The devil uses some people to get you to defend your mission and the reasons for doing your God given tasks. It is a waste of energy. When God is with you who can be against you!

Of course people won’t understand all of your actions and they shouldn’t.  Unless a person humbles themselves to ask, “How do your actions fit in with your overall mission?”  They need not know.  Let them speculate and stay in the bleachers watching you live your life and carrying out your God given mission.  You can tell them if you want, “You will see,” or “Only time will tell.”

Some people only want to see what they want to see and hear from their own mental model, not through someone else’s eyes and experiences with life.  As an example, if I am in one building looking out of a window viewing east and there is another person in another building facing west, we will see things differently.  This is a fact—no need to argue—we are in two different buildings set to see a different view.  A personal vision received and acknowledge is not a competition with others.  It is created by and given by God to whom He chooses.  God created us differently with different gifts and visions to serve Him, not worldly things and not to argue over what is seen.

I will not waste my God’s precious time and energy on people not willing to humble themselves to ask a very simple question, “What do you see or how does this action fit into your overall life’s mission or purpose?” It is not worth it!

The devil uses people who want to protect a position. God has a purpose for us all.  Using a ladder and it’s rungs as an example, the bottom rung on a ladder has a definite purpose.  The bottom rung is to assist a person on their journey to reach higher heights.  As God allows me to reach higher rungs on the ladder I will applaud people who will take the first step to go higher and become what God calls them to be.  It is not for me to determine.  Through the lenses of my personal mission: The bottom rung on the ladder is adding value to the success of others reaching higher heights.  This is success! Someone else will view this differently.

I live by faith and not by sight.  I live in the creative world where this is abundance not by competing with others. Thank you Father God. I know you have plans for me that I don’t know about.  I am preparing daily for each and every encounter to have experiences to reflect on how I can become a little better than the day before.  I am in the process of becoming better at identifying the people God wants me to help and spend my time with.

I Add Positive Value to the Lives of Others.

I am praying this verse everyday…

1 Chronicles 4:9-10. 9 Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, “I gave birth to him in pain.” 10 Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.

Decide, Commit, Succeed!

How do you plan to accomplish your mission?

You Know What Makes Me Happy?

Has anyone ever said this to you? How do you respond? Most of us say, “Yes, I know what makes you happy,” just out of courtesy.  No, I don’t know. In my honest opinion, more than likely the person asking you doesn’t have a clue either. It is OK, because, most don’t know what they don’t like until they see what they don’t like.
But asking the question is the start to finding out what actually does make you happy. The good thing about asking a question is that it gives our brain a directive to search for happiness. And knowing what makes you happy is good thing and a great motivator. Not knowing what makes a person happy can cause some serious pain, including injury and damage that will cause long term pain.


You know what makes me happy? My choice to be happy. This helps focus the process of finding happiness in most circumstances.

You know what makes me happy? Being able to wake up each day and serve the needs of others with a happy heart.

You know what makes me happy? My personal relationship with God gives me happiness, through the teachings of Jesus Christ. This relationship gives me the opportunity to reflect and be grateful for my freedom to choose to be happy.

What makes me happy? My wife’s happiness, while serving others is really what makes me happy.

My mission in life, that I was called and chosen to do is to Add Positive Value to the lives of others. This brings me joy and happiness.


What Makes You Happy?

Decide, Commit, Succeed!